Plan miasta Dudleston Heath

Dudleston Heath - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Oswestry and Ellesmere

Amongst the landmarks I spotted this time were the Cross Foxes by Gobowen Station, the Cross Keys and Ifton Miner's Welfare Centre at St Martin's and the Parish Pump and an old-fashioned post office at Dudleston Heath. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

BBC - Springwatch Blog: Have you seen a polecat?

Dr Sleeman also seems to say that diet / bhealth/b can affect the size of this construction and also cross-breeding of polecat/ferret can affect the size so it's by no means clear-cut or easy! We regularly find polecats/polecat coloured b....../b Roads where the bodies where found are B5068 Ellesemere &bdudleston/b, A483 Wrexham & Oswestry, A528 Ellesmere, A528 Colemere, A458 Welshpool. A live one seen at Ellesmere. Complain about this comment. 265. At 12:27pm on 27 May 2009, ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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